Alex Castro
Alex is a highly motivated Premier trained professional - and charming with it. His Latin good looks makes it easier to forgive his cheesy sense of humour. No honestly, Alex is really popular as he absolutely loves what he does. Having been a semi professional basketball player and train in the martial art of thai boxing for over five years, his wide range of training techniques and immense enthusiasm means every minute of his lesson is completely enjoyable.

Ashton Turner
Energetic, lively and enthusiastic, Ashton makes sure all his classes are high energy and challenging enough to push even the toughest of Bootcampers. Having achieved success in many sports growing up, Ashton carried on his passion for sport at University, completing a degree in Sports Coaching. After using his degree to coach football in America, Australia, England and Wales, he decided to continue his professional development and become a REPS Level 3 Personal Trainer. Ashton believes in building a functional physique to tackle the stresses of every day life and that a healthy body is the key to a healthy mind, both of which Dynamic Pilates will help you achieve.

Barry Jung
He's the uber cool one with uber cool music. Very chilled and laid back. If you prefer your pilates less hectic but thorough, come to one of Barry's classes in the Fulham or Bayswater.

Ben Newton
Don’t be fooled by Ben’s smiley Mr Nice Guy approach. His classes are still tough. It’s just that you forgive him for putting you through it as he’s so encouraging and complimentary. Ben’s a physio and not surprisingly has an A list of private clients.

David Pexton
After falling in love with Pilates 5 years ago David trained as a Pilates Instructor and Personal Trainer and is now registered as a level 3 instructor on REPs. David has lived in Richmond for the last 7 years and loves the area. He wants clients to catch his enthusiasm for Pilates and enjoy a fit, fun healthy lifestyle. Against a background of inspiring pop music, David enjoys pushing you out of their comfort zone in a safe and friendly way so that you can achieve better fitness.

Harry Rowland
Harry played professional rugby for many years and still competes at professional level. He's a tough but thorough trainer and will give clients a challenging work out. Lives by the motto that there is always someone, somewhere working harder, so whatever you're currently giving can always be improved on! Wants clients to have burning muscles but big smiles!

Ivo Ducros
City clients nickname him “Evil Ivo” as he takes no prisoners. Expect amazing results as he pushes you to the limit. His classes are busy inspite or because of his no-nonsense attitude. He works in Hoxton, Richmond and Fulham.

Jessica Johnson
Jessica is passionate about physical exercise and her bright and enthusiastic manner will ensure you get the most out of your class. A personal trainer, Jessica believes the best way to reach your goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle is to ENJOY exercise. And let’s face it, plodding along on a treadmill staring at a television screen gets pretty mundane! With her high energy persona and challenging routines she has made it her passion to improve your fitness, posture and body shape…so ditch those fad diets…her classes will be an exercise habit you will not want to break!

Jordi Hulshof
Friendly Jordi. A delight and a superb teacher. He doesn’t move on from an exercise until every one in the class has got it right. His ballet training shows through with some of his exercises and he comes up with new moves all the time. People like his varied and creative classes in City and Bayswater.

Karmen Pirh
Karmen is a Pilates Body Instructor and a Personal trainer with more than 6 years experience working in the health and fitness industry. She has also taught Water Aerobics, Power Plate, Body Conditioning and Group Indoor cycling. Her varied experiences make her classes creative, challenging and highly effective. She specialises in posture correction, muscle imbalances, sports injury management and prevention. She is also an ante and post natal Pilates Instructor. Karmen's classes are fantastic blend of dynamism and creativity.

Korin Nolan
Korin started her Pilates training at The London College of Dance where she gained a BA Honours in Dance. She went on to further her Pilates training at Body Control Pilates where she received her Mat work teaching qualification and has been teaching for eight years around London. Korin writes a regular Pilates column and combines her love of keeping fit with good food - she is the co author and presenter of cookery/lifestyle book How to Cook in High Heels.

Lee Smith
Lee is a NASM & YMCA qualified personal trainer with 7 years working experience with the fitness industry. His classes are tough and challenging but focussed on increasing your core, tone and strength. With his enthusiasm and positivity you'll leave his class feeling stimulated both mentally and physically. Be prepared to shed a drop or two of sweat along the way! Lee lives by the motto "without struggle there's no progress"!

Luke Webb
Tall dark and OK… handsome. The girls love him and he does a lot of classes concentrating on improving posture and back problems as well as classes that include some great cardio workouts too. Mr. Popular too! Is this man to be believed?

Sam Village
Cheeky chappie Yorkshire man Sam gives a lively and challenging work out which really gets you going! Expect a robust and entertaining class from one of our cheekiest and most popular trainers! Sam never lets clients get away with not trying hard enough! You’ve been warned.

Samantha Gurner
A dynamo of a trainer, our Sam. With loads of energy, Sam was one of our earliest clients and switched from a career in the City to a career in fitness which is very lucky for us. Her extensive experience of our classes means she is constantly adapting her classes to keep them varied and creative. Enormously popular, Sam has a very loyal client base and her classes fill up quickly!
Sam is a Reps L4 Personal Trainer, specialising in Pre/Post Natal, Corrective Exercise and GP Referral for sufferers of back pain, joint replacement, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, PAD, arthritis, asthma, COPD, osteoporosis, MS, and Parkinsons.

Vicky Hilton
Bubbly and bright which takes the pain out of the gain. She’s always up for new ideas and last winter took on our Ski Class, Step Class and Power class on Sundays. She’s trained in post and ante natal Pilates too.